11th International Conference on Optic - Photonics Design & Fabrication
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ODF‘18, Hiroshima (11th International Conference on Optic - Photonics Design & Fabrication) において、 フラウンホーファーIISB(集積システム・デバイス技術研究所)、フラウンホーファーIOF(応用光学・精密機械工学研究所)及びフラウンホーファーIPMS(フォトニック・マイクロシステム研究所)の研究者が講演します。
Nov.28 (Wed)
13:00-14:20 Optical Design / Simulation (2)
Presiders: J. Heber (Fraunhofer / Germany)
13:25 Micro-optical Free-Forms: Design and Fabrication
U. Zeitner (Fraunhofer Inst. of Applied Optics and Precision Engineering Jena / Germany, Friedrich-Schiller-Univ. Jena / Germany), P. Schleicher (Fraunhofer Inst. of Applied Optics and Precision Engineering Jena / Germany), R. Leitel, and D. Michaelis (Fraunhofer Inst. of Applied Optics and Precision Engineering Jena / Germany)
13:50 Spatial Beam Shaping in Amplitude and Phase for Multispectral Applications Using Binary Amplitude Modulators and Phase Masks
J. Heber (Fraunhofer Inst. for Photonic Microsystems / Germany)
Nov. 30 (Fri)
8:50-10:40 Optical Components / Devices (2)
9:15 Understanding and Optimization of Imaging for EUV Lithography
A. Erdmann (Fraunhofer Inst. for Integrated Systems and Device Technology / Germany)
A. Tuennermann and K. Fuechsel from Fraunhofer IOF and J. Heber from Fraunofer IPMS are the members of the committee.