
2018 AES International Conference on Spatial Reproduction -Aesthetics and Science

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AES International Conference on Spatial Reproduction — Aesthetics and Science(空間音響に関する国際カンファレンス―美学と科学)において、フラウンホーファーIIS(集積回路研究所)とフラウンホーファーIDMT(デジタルメディア技術研究所)の研究者がプレゼンテーションを行います。

プレゼンテーション“Energy Aware Modelling of Inter-Aural Level Difference Distortion Impact on Spatial Audio Perception”は、8月7日17:20より、東京電機大学の東京千住キャンパス・セミナー室2にて、プレゼンテーション“ An Approach for Object-Based Spatial Audio Mastering”は、8月9日10:30より、東京電機大学の東京千住キャンパス・セミナー室1にて行われます。概要は以下をご参考ください。

P4: Psychoacoustics-2 [Day 1 (Aug 7) 17:20–18:30]

Chair: Atsushi Marui



Energy Aware Modelling of Inter-Aural Level Difference Distortion Impact on Spatial Audio Perception


Pablo Delgado (Fraunhofer IIS), Jürgen Herre (Fraunhofer IIS), Armin Taghipour (Fraunhofer), and Nadja Schinkel-Bielefeld (Fraunhofer)


In spatial audio processing, Inter-aural Level Difference Distortions (ILDD) between reference and coded signals play an important role in the perception of quality. To reduce costs, algorithms that predict the perceptual quality of multichannel/spatial audio processing without requiring extensive listening tests are developed. The correct modelling of the perceived ILDD greatly influences the prediction performance. We propose a model of ILDD perception including an energy dependency in different spectral regions of the signal. Model parameters are fitted to subjective results obtained from listening test data over a synthetic audio database with arbitrarily induced ILDD at different intensities, frequencies and energy levels. Finally, we compare our model performance over two databases of real coded signals with two state-of-the-art ILDD models.

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P10: Production-1 [Day 3 (Aug 9) 10:30–12:10] 
Chair: Aki Mäkivirta



An Approach for Object-Based Spatial Audio Mastering


Simon Hestermann (Fraunhofer IDMT), Mario Seideneck (Fraunhofer IDMT), and Christoph Sladeczek (Fraunhofer IDMT)


Object-based spatial audio is an approach for interactive three-dimensional audio reproduction. This concept not only changes the way how content creators interact with the audio, but also changes how it is saved and transmitted. Hence, a new process in the reproduction chain called rendering has to be established. The rendering process generates loudspeaker signals out of an object-based scene. Although recording and mixing have been subject to research in the last years, concepts for object-based mastering are nearly missing. The main difference compared to channel-based mastering is that instead of adjusting loudspeaker channels, audio objects need to be altered. This requires a fundamentally new concept for mastering. In the paper, a new method for mastering of object-based audio is presented.

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