2018 AES International Conference on Spatial Reproduction — Aesthetics and Science
Date: August 7-9, 2018, 9:30-18:00
Venue: Tokyo Senju Campus, Tokyo Denki University; Senju Campus, Tokyo University of the Arts
For more details, please see the homepage of Audio Engineering Society
Together with their Colleagues of the International Audio Laboratories Erlangen, Prof. Jürgen Herre of Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS will deliver a presentation on “Energy Aware Modelling of Inter-Aural Level Difference Distortion Impact on Spatial Audio Perception” in the AES International Conference on Spatial Reproduction — Aesthetics and Science.
The presentation is a part of the section P4: Psychoacoustics-2 on 7th Aug, from 17:20 in Seminar Room 2 on the Senju Campus of the Tokyo Denki University.
On the 3rd day of the conference on 9th Aug, researchers from Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMT will deliver a presentation on “An Approach for Object-Based Spatial Audio Mastering” as a part of Section P10: Production-1 in Seminar Room 1 on the Senju Campus of the Tokyo Denki University.
P4: Psychoacoustics-2 [Day 1 (Aug 7) 17:20–18:30]
Chair: Atsushi Marui
Energy Aware Modelling of Inter-Aural Level Difference Distortion Impact on Spatial Audio Perception
Pablo Delgado (Fraunhofer IIS), Jürgen Herre (Fraunhofer IIS), Armin Taghipour (Fraunhofer), and Nadja Schinkel-Bielefeld (Fraunhofer)
In spatial audio processing, Inter-aural Level Difference Distortions (ILDD) between reference and coded signals play an important role in the perception of quality. To reduce costs, algorithms that predict the perceptual quality of multichannel/spatial audio processing without requiring extensive listening tests are developed. The correct modelling of the perceived ILDD greatly influences the prediction performance. We propose a model of ILDD perception including an energy dependency in different spectral regions of the signal. Model parameters are fitted to subjective results obtained from listening test data over a synthetic audio database with arbitrarily induced ILDD at different intensities, frequencies and energy levels. Finally, we compare our model performance over two databases of real coded signals with two state-of-the-art ILDD models.
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P10: Production-1 [Day 3 (Aug 9) 10:30–12:10]
Chair: Aki Mäkivirta
An Approach for Object-Based Spatial Audio Mastering
Simon Hestermann (Fraunhofer IDMT), Mario Seideneck (Fraunhofer IDMT), and Christoph Sladeczek (Fraunhofer IDMT)
Object-based spatial audio is an approach for interactive three-dimensional audio reproduction. This concept not only changes the way how content creators interact with the audio, but also changes how it is saved and transmitted. Hence, a new process in the reproduction chain called rendering has to be established. The rendering process generates loudspeaker signals out of an object-based scene. Although recording and mixing have been subject to research in the last years, concepts for object-based mastering are nearly missing. The main difference compared to channel-based mastering is that instead of adjusting loudspeaker channels, audio objects need to be altered. This requires a fundamentally new concept for mastering. In the paper, a new method for mastering of object-based audio is presented.
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