Fraunhofer lighthouse project »Electromobility«
Everyone’s talking about electric cars – Fraunhofer researchers have already set to work. More than 30 Fraunhofer institutes are involved in developing alternative transportation systems in a Fraunhofer lighthouse project »Electromobility II – Transfer«. The aim is to develop prototypes for hybrid and electric vehicles to support the German automotive industry as it makes its first inroads into electromobility. The German federal ministry of education and research (BMBF) is funding this project to the tune of 44 million euros from the federal economic stimulus programs I and II.
Key areas of Fraunhofer lighthouse project »Electromobility II – Transfer«
The project is divided into four main areas of focus:
- vehicle design
- energy generation, distribution and conversion
- energy storage technology
- technical system integration
The project not only focuses on electric cars, but is also looking at other electric vehicles, e.g. for public transport or inner-city goods transport.