Fraunhofer Research
Fraunhofer research activities are application- and results-oriented. The organization pursues the implementation of innovative research findings in industrial and social applications. Its work is based on a dynamic balance between applied basic research and innovative development projects.
Autonomy of the Fraunhofer institutes
Fraunhofer research activities are decentralized. The Fraunhofer Institutes use structured processes to identify areas of technology of relevance to industry and the short-term and long-term demands of the contract research market. Their choice of research fields is based on this information. A parallel approach on the part of the various institutes leads to a wide range of creative solutions.
Publicly funded pre-competitive research
Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft carries out publicly funded pre-competitive research. This forms the basis of the contract research projects conducted for customers. Private-sector earnings enable the organization to finance a major proportion of its budget through its own means.
Excellence in research
Research conducted by Fraunhofer Institutes is of outstanding quality. These institutes strive to achieve or maintain a leading position in the European contract research market.
Scientific practice
In its research work, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft observes the principles of good scientific practice. Clearly defined procedures are used to investigate any cases of suspected scientific misconduct.
Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft supports efforts directed toward the sustainable development of society, industry and the environment. The Fraunhofer Institutes play an active part in such efforts through a responsible approach to the implementation of new technologies and through research and studies conducted on behalf of public-sector clients.