Fraunhofer magazine

The Fraunhofer magazine is a publication for research and innovation.

Fraunhofer magazine 2024


Fraunhofer magazine 2/2024

Bring on the water!

Improving management of this vital resource


Fraunhofer magazine 1/2024

Harnessing pollution for good

Fraunhofer magazine 2023


Fraunhofer magazine 4/2023


The poison of the century


Fraunhofer magazine 3/2023

Better Plastics

From environmental crime to biosynthetics


Fraunhofer magazine 2/2023

Savor in safety

Food: Supplying the future


Fraunhofer magazine 1/2023

Paging Dr. Data

AI in medicine: speeding up the healing process

Fraunhofer magazine 2022


Fraunhofer magazine 3/2022

Our energy

Where it comes from

How we can secure


Fraunhofer magazine 2/2022

Protection and security

A new era, new challenges, new solutions


Fraunhofer magazine 1/2022

This is not an egg

Our diet is changing radically. What does the future taste like?

Fraunhofer magazine 2021


Fraunhofer magazine 4/2021

We have the energy!

Sun, wind, heat - ready for the transition


What we´re really lacking

Raw materials, supply routes, digital sovereignty 


Fraunhofer magazine 2/2021

The era of the founder

New impetus for the economy


Fraunhofer magazine 1/2021

Climate stress

Heavy rain, storms, high temperatures: How we are making our towns and cities more resilient

Fraunhofer magazine 2020


Fraunhofer Magazine 4/2020

What lies ahead in 2021?

Quantum computers | Neuromorphic chips | Trusted computing


Fraunhofer magatine 3/2020

Perspectives H2  – how to stay mobile


Fraunhofer magazine 2/2020

Coronavirus: what we can learn for the future


Fraunhofer magazine 1/2020: Green gains

Sustainability – the tie that binds ecology and the economy closer together

Fraunhofer magazine 2019


Fraunhofer magazine 4/2019: Leaps and bounds in quantum technologies

A new era is dawning with quantum technologies.


Fraunhofer magazine 3/2019: Using AI to fight cancer

Diagnostic hypotheses and personalized therapies: artificial intelligence has begun to revolutionize the fight against cancer.


Fraunhofer magazine 2/2019: The story of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft

A special issue on stories of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft: From beacon of hope to innovation engine.


Fraunhofer magazine 1/2019: How do we develop the future

This edition looks back to what we have achieved and, more importantly, ahead to the future. 

Fraunhofer magazine 2018


Fraunhofer magazine 1/2018: Health Research in 4D

Four major areas of medical science – drugs, diagnostics, devices and data, or the 4Ds. The cutting edge of translational medicine.

Fraunhofer magazine 2016


Fraunhofer Magazine 1/2016: making it lighter

Lower carbon dioxide emission is one of the significant goals of the future. Not only for Germany, but also for the EU and all industrialized nations. Trimming down the weight of cars, planes and trains offers a potential solution for saving energy and raw material.

Fraunhofer magazine 2015


Fraunhofer Magazine 2/2015: toward a sustainable future

Important resources such as rare earth metals, clean water, copper, silver and gold are becoming scarce. If we want to continue to meet the needs of the ever-growing world population, we must become more accountable in how we manage raw materials. With its research, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is making an important contribution to sustainable development.

Fraunhofer Magazine 1/2015: Water — a vital resource

Water is a valuable commodity. It is the basis for all life and an essential factor of any business location. But in many places, this precious resource is in short supply due to climate change and population growth. Fraunhofer is currently working on system solutions and innovative ways to make the water industry sustainable.

Fraunhofer magazine 2014


Fraunhofer Magazine 2/2014: Security in the cloud

Cloud computing offers the opportunity to make use of processing power, storage space or software over the internet as and when required, reducing IT costs in the process. In spite of these advantages, many companies remain skeptical about outsourcing their data to external servers. Their fear – heightened in the wake of the NSA scandal – is that unauthorized individuals could gain access to sensitive company information. Now Fraunhofer researchers are working on solutions that will make computing in the cloud a more secure affair.


Fraunhofer Magazine 1/2014: Power reloaded

Batteries are the heart of many products: they start our cars, power our pacemakers and allow us to communicate using smartphones and tablets. Batteries are also a key technology for electromobility and the new energy economy, which means that these chemical energy stores are soon going to have to raise their game. Scientists are already working on the next generation of batteries — and beyond.

Fraunhofer magazine 2013


Fraunhofer Magazine 2/2013: Recycling 2.0 - perfectly separated

Around 60 billion metric tons of raw materials are used worldwide every year. While demand is predicted to rise to 140 billion metric tons by the year 2050, these resources are finite. Systematic recycling is one way to ensure that there will be enough raw materials available for new products in future. Researchers are working on the next generation of closed loop recycling management as part of the Beyond Tomorrow project “Molecular Sorting”.

Fraunhofer Magazine 1/2013: Carbon Fiber Time

Lightweight, crash-proof and corrosion resistant, carbon fiber reinforced plastics have a lot going for them. This expensive material has been in use for some years in Formula One and in aerospace. But until now it has been seen only rarely in automotive production. This is down to the difficulty of producing and processing large volumes of the ultra-light-weight material. However, that is set to change.

Fraunhofer magazine 2012


Fraunhofer magazine 2/2012: Green Chemistry

Petroleum is a vital raw material for the chemical industry. Yet this finite fossil resource is steadily becoming scarcer and more expensive. Biomass, which includes wood, corn starch, sugar beets and vegetable oils, provides one alternative source of carbon. Plastics, paints and fine chemicals can also be produced from by-products of the food industry, such as whey and crab shells. The research community and industry are currently developing new processes for these alternative methods, many of which have already been successfully implemented on a laboratory or pilot scale. The task now is to transfer these methods to a demonstration and industrial scale.


Fraunhofer Magazine 1/2012: 3D movie thrill

Pirates of the Caribbean 4, The Three Musketeers, and Pina – these are just some of the more than 50 films that have debuted in movie theaters in 3D so far this year. The technology involved in delivering high quality in 3D is extremely complex, and this is where Fraunhofer researchers are at work on cornerstone developments and technologies.