
ICPT 2024 - International Conference on Planarization/ CMP Technology

Date: 16th (Wed.) - 18th (Fri.) October, 2024 

Venue: Kurhaus Wiesbaden

   Kurhausplatz 1, 65189 Wiesbaden, Germany

Registration:Resistration in advance is requied (Registration can be made from the offical website.)

Organizer: Society of Microelectronics, Microsystems and Precision Engineering (GMM)


For further information, please refer to the official website of this event.


In the event, Fraunhofer ENAS (Institute for Electronic Nano Systems) and IMPS CNT (Institute for Photonic Microsystems) is going to give a presentaion and introduce the latest research results.

(1) Fraunhofer ENAS

Title: Accelerating finite element simulations with machine learning to predict interfacial pressures in real-time

Date: 16th October, 2024   14:35‐14:55


(2) Fraunhofer IPMS CNT

Title: Effect of increased slurry dwell time on polishing performance

Date: 17th October, 2024  9:25‐9:45


In addition, Prof. Harald Kuhn from Fraunhofer ENAS will give a keynote presentation.

Title: Challenges for hetero integration process technology, test and reliability

Date: 18th October, 2024  8:00‐8:30