Fraunhofer Representative Office Japan

News & Events

Research News

The latest research news from Germany has arrived.

Social Media

A new Twitter and LinkedIn account of Fraunhofer Representative Office Japan have been opened. We´re posting the latest news about technology, events, etc. here as well. Please check it out.

Fraunhofer magazine

The latest Fraunhofer magazine is now available online. 

Press Releases


Fraunhofer IMS

Improving post-COVID aftercare and diagnostics: Contactless vital signs measurements combined with an innovative app to enhance life quality


Fraunhofer IMS

Tracking reactions with invisible light, saving materials and time: New nanosensors make diagnostic procedures more sensitive


Fraunhofer ILT

The dawn of laser-based optics production


Fraunhofer IWS

Laser Technology for a Lighter Future Flying



Fraunhofer magazine 3/2024

Room for Big Ideas


Fraunhofer Annual Report 2023



“Fraunhofer – Today’s ideas.

Tomorrow’s innovations.”


Fraunhofer Representative Office Japan

German Cultural Center 1F

7-5-56 Akasaka, Minato-ku

Tokyo, 107-0052

Phone +81-(0)3-3586-7104

Fax +81-(0)3-3586-7187