

日時: 2012年4月18日 (水)13:00~19:45
場所: ドイツ文化会館 2F セミナールーム ( 東京都港区赤坂7-5-56 )
主催: (株)サーフテックトランスナショナル
講演言語: 英語
聴講: 無料、交流会: 会費制(3000円、当日現金にてお支払い下さい)


13:00 開会

13:05 “General introduction of Fraunhofer”
Dr. Lorenz Granrath, Fraunhofer Representative Office Japan

13:15 “Roll-to-Roll technology on pilot scale for transparent ultra-high multilayer barriers“
Dr. John Fahlteich, Fraunhofer Institute for Electron Beam and Plasma Technology FEP

     - Fraunhofer POLO multilayer barrier film
     - Roll-to-Roll technologies for manufacturing (ORMOCER® & vacuum technology)
     - multifunctional layer stack

13:50 “All-in-vacuum Roll-to-Roll technologies for transparent barrier films”
Dr. John Fahlteich, Fraunhofer Institute for Electron Beam and Plasma Technology FEP

     - Single and multilayer barriers made completely in vacuum
     - Direct encapsulation of organic electronic devices
     - Roll-to-Roll low-damage sputtering on OLED devices

14:25 “FEP’s vacuum key component technologies for high barrier”
Dr. Daniel Gloess, Fraunhofer Institute for Electron Beam and Plasma Technology FEP
- RM cathode for low temp pulse sputtering
     - Spectroscopic process control system from reactive sputtering
     - Mag.PE-CVD for high rate deposition of composite film
     - Linear HCD plasma gun for ultra-high rate plasma assist deposition
     - Cold-cathode EB gun for high rate PVD

15:00 Coffee Break

15:20 “Highly sensitive WVTR measurement equipment HiBarSens”
Dr. Wulf Graehlert, Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology IWS
Mr. Johannes Gruebler, SEMPA Systems
- Short introduction of the Fraunhofer IWS
     - Trace gas sensoring by laser diode spectroscopy (LDS)
     - HiBarSens the new tool for WVTR measurement of ultra barrier samples

15:55 “Equipment for pure gas delivery and CVD processes by SEMPA Systems”
Mr. Joerg Koch, Johannes Gruebler Sempa GmbH
- Pure gas delivery system for HiBarSens
     - HMDSO gas delivery system for Mag.PE-CVD

16:30 “Roll-to-Roll processing for large area organic devices
- overview and status at COMEDD”

Dr. Christian May, Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems IPMS

( 講演代理 サーフテックトランスナショナル 鈴木)

17:00 ディスカッション / まとめ

17:15 講演会終了

17:45 交流会

19:45 閉会

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(株)サーフテックトランスナショナル  鈴木巧一
Tel:03-5433-1220, Fax:03-5433-1221