
4th International IEEE workshop on low temperature bonding for 3D integration

Date: July 15-16, 2014
Venue: The University of Tokyo
Participation Fee: 55,000 JPY (other categories are available)

Mr. Aschenbrenner from Fraunhofer IZM and Mr. Joerg Froemel from Fraunhofer ENAS will have talks in the session "low-temperature metal bonding processes" on July 16th at "LTB-3D 2014".

<Session "low-temperature metal bonding processes" Program>
July 16, 2014 (Wed.) 16:20-17:40

16:20-16:40    Metal-Assisted Hermetic Wafer-Level Packaging
                     Oussama Moutanabbir, École Polytechnique de Montréal
16:40-17:00    Nanoporous Gold Bumps for Thermocompression Bonding
                     R. Aschenbrenner, Fraunhofer IZM
17:00-17:20    Solid Liquid Inter-Diffusion Bonding at Low Temperature
                     J. Froemel, Fraunhofer ENAS
17:20-17:40    Direct Bonding for Dissimilar Metals Assisted by Carboxylic Acid Vapor
                     Shang-Kun Huang, National Chung Hsing University

Secretariat of LTB3D-2012
Ms. Natsuko KAWAMATA
The University of Tokyo
Secretary, Microsystem Integration and Packaging Laboratories
