- Lithium-Sulfur-Battery (Fraunhofer IWS)
Development of lithium-sulfur and room temperature natrium-sulfur-battery cells as generation post-lithium-ion.
- Sodium-based battery ready for market rollout (Fraunhofer IKTS)
Stationary energy storage systems are considered to be the key element for a modern and sustainable energy supply. Growing global energy demand and steady Increase of peak loads require reliable solutions. Classical and renewable power generation will grow together by cost-efficient energy storage and provide an affordable long-term supply security. In this context cerenergy®, a high-temperature battery was optimized for low-cost- and mass production by modern ceramic production technology in the development of key components, such as electrolyte, seal and electrode.
System integrators, OEMs, utilities and energy contractors are cordially invited to get to know Fraunhofer IKTS’ portfolio from materials to systems, from engineering support and R&D services to prototyping and technology transfer.
Discover the Fraunhofer Battery Alliance activities in the field of cell production through our exciting videos.