Fraunhofer IKTS Workshop
„Screen-print pastes for aluminum nitride and silicon nitride – towards the next generation of power electronics“
Date & Time: January 31, 2014 (10:00 - 12:00)
Venue: Tokyo Big Sight, Congress Center 8F Room 801
Participation Fee: free (registration needed)
Language: English with Japanese interpretation
Dr. Eberstein from Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems (IKTS) talks about modern thick-film pastes and paste system on January 31, 2014 in Tokyo, on the occasion of nano tech 2014.
Power electronics is becoming a key technology for a rising number of products and systems due to a global trend towards green energy and the establishment of electric mobility. AlN features a perfect thermal expansion match to the emerging chip material SiC. It is reported how we attained REACH conformity in the complete AlN paste system by removing dibutyl phthalate. Furthermore, a new high-resistance paste for AlN is introduced. A thermal conductivity comparable to aluminum nitride but a higher thermal shock resistance and fracture toughness make silicon nitride an excellent ceramic substrate material for the next generation of power electronics. Get to know Fraunhofer IKTS’s recent developments on thick-film paste systems for Si3N4. Subsequently we would like to enter into a keen discussion with you.
< Registration and Contact >
Please send an e-mail in English with your name, company/organization name and your e-mail address to the following adress by January 22nd, 2014 (Wed.).
Fanny Pohontsch
For further questions, please contact the above adress likewise.